Here are a few samples of the drawings I cranked out during the evening. My biggest challenge, a six person piece I did for one family! My fellow CLAW members were impressed at how much my speed had improved since last year's event. That is the main thing I have been working on as I have embarked on my caricaturing venture! All my practice and study seems to be paying off! The beneficiary of CLAW's participation is our Student Scholarship Fund!

Speaking of Brooks Dental Studio--although they are primarily a dentist's office, they have a gallery-like space and often hang the work of local artists. The CLAW has art hanging on their walls throughout January, including yours truly. Here's a photo of one of the displays with some of my art. You can see a couple of my Star Trek pieces, my phonebox drawing and the original Mark of Aeacus cover piece. So much thanks to Brooks Dental Studio for being such gracious supporters of The C.L.A.W.!!
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